INDUSTRY: Family, Event, Interior
WHAT: Press Work, Event, Co-brandings
FROHE BOTSCHAFT: Through event PR and placements of founder Nadine Jung, we achieved numerous publications in regional and national media and gained influencers and brands as partners for the event series.
The Family Circle is a pop-up event for families. The concept shows the world’s most beautiful brands and trends from the areas of food, interior, fashion, gathers exciting experts. The kick-off event took place in Hamburg in October 2018, more cities will follow.
Press Work: By the time of the premiere, announcements were made in regional and national media and influencer cooperations were concluded to support successful ticket sales.Besides the event PR the founder Nadine Jung could be placed as brand expert. Various interviews about career and family increased the website traffic.
Co-Brandings: The Family Circle took place for the first time in Hamburg in October 2018 and was the prelude to an international series of events. In order to win partners as early as the creation phase and to create worlds of images and first experiences for opinion leaders, a pre-event was accompanied by intensive communication. Thus, in addition to a high level of anticipation and the development of social media channels, press material for media announcements could also be generated.